A Porto Rico, on sort les griffes pour sauver des chats errants.
Lab-grown frogs: a Colombian's response to wildlife trafficking
[Article] La Colombie élève des grenouilles en laboratoire en réponse au commerce illégal de ces amphibiens.
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Lab-grown frogs: a Colombian's response to wildlife trafficking.Nocaima (Colombia) (AFP) - Down a dirt track in Colombia, deep in a forest, conservationists are breeding prized exotic frogs to try to undercut traffickers who are plundering the country's jungles of its amphibians.A critically-endangered...
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A harlequin poison dart frog (Oophaga sylvatica) is pictured at the Tesoros de Colombia (Treasures of Colombia) sustainable farm in Nocaima, Cundinamarca department, Colombia, on July 9, 2024. Hundreds of exotic frogs are bred in a sustainable farm to then be sold to foreign collectors as a "practical solution" against their illegal trafficking. © AFP Raul ARBOLEDA