As climate warms, S. Korea fights new border threat: malarial mosquitoes

[Article] La malaria fait son retour en Corée du Sud, favorisée par les moustiques de la zone démilitarisée.

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As climate warms, S. Korea fights new border threat: malarial mosquitoes.Paju (South Korea) (AFP) - Near the heavily fortified border that divides North and South Korea, a monitoring device is working 24-7 -- not tracking missiles or troop movements, but catching malaria-carrying mosquitoes that may...
This article was published Wednesday, 28 August, 2024 by AFP
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As climate warms, S. Korea fights new border threat malarial mosquitoes.jpg

South Korea issued a nationwide malaria warning this year, and scientists say climate change could bring more mosquito-borne diseases to the peninsula © AFP ANTHONY WALLACE

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